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Water at Firefly

Water at Firefly

Surrounded by the life-giving waters of the Wacassasa Bay, the Suwanee River, and the Gulf of Mexico, the sheer dominance of water around us underscores the importance of water in the life of this community and life itself. If I learned one thing in a public health career of nearly 25 years, I say, it’s that drinking lots of clean water is essential to good health. As salt water has encroached on the local aquifers, Cedar Key has drawn its city water from an increasing distance from the town at great expense. We ask all of our guests to be water conscious and conserve this precious and limited resource.

For your health and enjoyment, Firefly Cottages purifies this municipal water through an 11-stage filter process that removes nearly all toxic impurities, and then remineralizes and alkalizes this water before passing it through a germicidal chamber that neutralizes all bacteria, viruses and other “bad things.” What results is healthy, great-tasting, minerally balanced, pH balanced, pure drinking water. We provide this water in reusable glass bottles at no cost to our guests and are happy to replace them throughout your visit. Use this water for drinking or in your coffee or tea. Our ice is made from this water, as well. The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends drinking at least 8, 8 ounce glasses of water each day for good health. So do we.

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